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Indian river under threat

September 23, 2009

I got this latest news today on watching Al Jazeera news online and I straight away surf and do search for this news article, finally, I found it (video).

I hope India government take serious action in this issue and put back Ganges River like 1950's Ganges River. People's voice about it should not fallen to deaf ears authority party because world population knew, that 'holy' river makes India well established as 'A Great India'.

Just imagine, 400million people depend and rely on that great river. Level of pollution in each day 275million liters of wastes pushed into the river including toxic waste. In each year, 33thousand half-burnt body thrown into the river. For what and why India government is still waiting for? Does.............?, I don't know what to say!!!

"Work hard is a must, work smart is a necessity, and work diligently is a priority." - Michael Dadona

Those words are my genuine life's philosophy and principle, I dislike to use any other third party's philosophical words in my life, although from any great retro philosopher. Why should I? because I cannot be other human and others cannot be me. I must create my own excellent life history.

"A Say A Practice" - Michael Dadona.
"A Secrecy A Legacy" - Michael Dadona.
"Once Spoken Never Broken" - Michael Dadona.
"Live As A King Death As A Ching" - Michael Dadona.

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